Discretion in Words

Scripture Reading - Mark 12:34 KJV

And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question.

In our previous lesson on the “The Art of Discretion” we spoke about “discretion” in two forms, the first being on keeping your tongue and the second being speaking the right measure of words at the right time. However, in this lesson we will focus more on “The Spirit of Discretion” being released through words. In the text for today we see that Jesus saw something in this man’s answer, so let us examine a little closer what things we can see in what Jesus saw. For starters when you read Mark 12:34 in context (connecting text) which would be reading from Mark 12:28 unto verse 34 we see that the man mentioned in this verse is a scribe. Ironically since scribes are more commonly known for their writing skill their speaking skills can go unnoticed. However, this scribe according to verse 28 had some perception about him. Of course whenever we (ihlcc) think about the correct use of perception we believe this to be The Hand of God. Therefore, since God is no respecters of persons all those who seek truth and righteousness shall find them both in Christ Jesus. This scribed actually agreed with the previous words of Jesus so this scribe had the ability to know the difference between right and wrong, he knew the difference between truth and lies (falseness). Generally, when the Holy Bible (The Word of God) states that an individual perceived something it is through the inner witness as opposed to an outward event, external voice or physical circumstance. Yes, perception is good and the understanding to perceive the difference between good (God) and evil (bad, the devil) is necessary for the believer to grow. This is a vital point because we are trying to set a foundation for truth; the foundation we are setting is that each person who desires (wishes) to walk in “discretion” must have the ability to hear from God. Notice we did not say that the individual must be born-again because that would imply that only Christians can hear from God and that is not true. In reality many people hear from God they just don’t know it. The only way you are going to know God’s Witness (His Holy Spirit) or understand His Voice (His Holy Word) is to be fluent in God’s Language of Love. This means that the believer must be familiar with God’s Word, therefore God’s Holy Scriptures must be known and somewhat understood in your heart or the believer would never be confident who was speaking. Today there are multitudes upon multitudes of people who don’t even know there is a real devil arrayed against them so how will they ever understand the vast difference between good (God) and evil (the devil)? The correct answer is, “they won’t know” and thus they will always be trapped and snared by Satan and his kingdom. Yes, using “Discretion in Words” means releasing the right spirit in your words. Items we discussed before included using the correct measurement of words and as we notice in today’s lesson Jesus saw “discretion” coming from the scribe. How did Jesus see this discretion? One item of “discretion” Jesus saw was humbleness of heart in the sense that this scribe called Jesus Master in verse 32. Another item of “discretion” is that this scribe acknowledged that Jesus spoke the truth (verse 32 also). Another item of “discretion” was that this scribe (student and studier of God’s Word) repeated back to Jesus what his understanding of God’s Word was and according to verse 34 the Lord Jesus agreed with him. Another item of “discretion” was that the scribe condensed his answer into a sound and solid response which is better to keep the people present engaged in the discussion at hand. For it seems once people think someone is running on and over with their words the average person is looking to depart from the conversation. Truth - Most people don’t like to waste their time unless they have already settled for a wasted life! Also, another key element of “discretion” was that the scribe focused his attention on Jesus in the giving of his mind, eyes, ears and tongue. Yes, pondering God’s Word in your heart is the same as thinking upon Jesus. Likewise, looking into the face of Jesus is the same as looking into the Holy Bible to see Jesus. Similarly, when you listen to the voice of truth you are indeed listening to Jesus whether outwardly or inwardly. Therefore, when you speak out God’s Word you are speaking forth Jesus the “Word of Discretion” for all to hear. These several items of “Discretion in Words” all point to one Person and as you know that Person is Jesus Christ the Savior of the World. So let us be wise as the serpent and yet as harmless as Thee Dove (Thee Holy Spirit) by speaking forth “words of discretion” in humbleness, in the acknowledgment of truth, in understanding God’s Word, in concise packages of words (powerful paragraphs instead of a long book) and in focusing all our attention (spirit, soul/mind and body-ears, eyes and voice) on the Lord Jesus Christ. If we purpose to always be “discreet in heart” then “God’s Discretion of Words” will come easy to us and flow easily out of us to be a true blessing to others. Will you, dear faithful believer, be a follower of Jesus in all His Ways? Of course you will practice “Discretion of Words” as we (ihlcc) will too in Wonderful Name of Jesus Name. Amen!